Returns and Refunds for Sellers:

Sellers must adhere to the Marketplace’s return and refund policy, which requires honoring legitimate return requests under conditions such as item not as described, damaged items, or shipping errors.

Returns and Refunds for Buyers:

Buyers must follow the Marketplace’s return policy when seeking a return or refund. This includes returning the item in its original condition and adhering to the specified return timeframe.

Steps to Pack and Return an Item

If you need to return an item you purchased, follow these steps to ensure the return process is smooth and your item reaches the seller in good condition.

Review the Return Policy

Before initiating a return, review the seller’s return policy to confirm the item is eligible for return. Note the return window period, acceptable return conditions, and if a restocking fee applies.

Initiate the Return

Start the return process through the Marketplace or via our customer service team. This may involve logging into your account, selecting the item to return, and following the provided instructions. You may be required to fill out a return form.

Pack the Item Carefully

Original Packaging: If possible, use the item’s original packaging. This includes the box, plastic covers, and any padding material like bubble wrap or foam inserts.
Secure the Item: Ensure the item is snugly fitted inside the box. Use additional padding materials if there’s extra space to prevent movement during transit.

a) Include All Parts: Return all parts, manuals, accessories, and free gifts that came with the item.
b) Seal the Package: Tape the package securely using strong packing tape. Make sure all openings and edges are sealed.

Include Required Documentation

Place any required documents inside the package. This may include the return authorization form, a copy of the packing slip, or a printed copy of the return label. Some sellers may ask you to affix the return label on the package’s exterior.

Label the Package

Return Label: If the seller provides a prepaid return label, print it out and attach it securely to the package’s exterior. Ensure it covers any old shipping labels to avoid confusion during shipping.

Ship the Item

Choose one of TOQQA’s preffered shipping carrier from the Marketplace logistics provider’s. Consider purchasing shipping insurance for valuable items.
Keep Proof of Shipment: Obtain a tracking number and keep the receipt as proof of shipment until your return is processed and your refund is issued. 

Monitor Your Return

Keep an eye on the tracking information to ensure the package arrives at the seller. Once received, the seller will inspect the item and process your return based on their policy.

Follow Up If Necessary

If you don’t hear back from the seller within the expected timeframe, follow up with our customer service. Provide your return tracking number and any relevant order details to facilitate the inquiry.

By following these steps, you can help ensure your returned item arrives safely and your refund or exchange is processed promptly. Remember, communication with the seller is key to a smooth return process.

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